Ákos Bakos

OSDCloud #8 - WDS Integration

This short post not really about OSDCloud and his pretty. It’s about how an ISO image can be imported into WDS (Windows Deployment Services). One of my OSDCloud customer has […]

ASRmageddon Summary

Friday the 13th in January 2023 for most of the Microsoft Defender customers (and consultants) was a hard day. I think everybody knows about the MO4971128 issue. In this blog […]

OSDCloud #7 – Bonus

This post is like a bonus one aka. how you could optimize your OSDCloud daily jobs. On the top of the previous blog series posts. It’s about changing the OSDCloud […]

OSDCloud #6 - Notes from the field

Disclaimer (again) All information and content in this blog posts are provided without any warranty whatsoever. The entire risk of using this information or executing the provided content remains with […]