As I wrote in the last blog post you can create a scheduled report about the required patches. But how can you schedule it in the SCCM 2012 R2 console?
The question sounds a bit strange, because it shouldn’t be a hard stuff. It’s true, it’s not, but you have to double-check the deadline in the SQL Management Console.
If you are done with building the correct report, you will create a subscription to save this report or send it by mail:
In the start date you don’t see if it’s a.m. or p.m. Or I’m blind… 🙂
To check the correct start date, open the SQL Management Studio and check the properties of the below created subscription task:
In the job scheduler properties you can find the exact date for the your subscription:
It’s confusing, isn’t it? No it’s not if you check the region settings on the server:
For some reason these settings were not set.
If you configure it ‘correctly‘ you’re subscriptions shown the correct date what you want to see:
So in this case it was a ‘layer 8’ issue… 😉